Archiv der Kategorie: English

Logging in Griffon 2
using Log4j

I’ve done quite some Java programming for the Desktop with JavaFX lately. For that I’ve jumped into using the Griffon Framework and I really love it.

For logging, it comes with SLF4J (the Simple Logging Facade for Java), so you can plug in the actual framework of your chioce – and I gave it a try with Log4J 2 . Since it took me a little while to get it all working the way I wanted it to, here are the basic steps that worked for me:

first, in build.gradle, you have to put

    runtime('log4j:log4j:1.2.17') {
        exclude group: 'ant',         module: 'ant-nodeps'
        exclude group: 'ant',         module: 'ant-junit'
        exclude group: 'ant-contrib', module: 'ant-contrib'
    runtime "org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:${slf4jVersion}"

then, create griffon-app/resources/


# log4j.appender.myapp.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{8}:%L - %m%n
log4j.appender.myapp.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c{8}:%L - %m%n

# show tool versions at startup:

# turn down noise on griffon's internals:
# you might need those when searching for a problem

# logs the app itself:

That is it! This of course is just a very basic configuration but it is exactly what I need and use during development – for deployment, you just need to change the ConsoleAppender to e.g. a RollingFileAppender or whatever you prefer. And you may change the app’s logging level to something less noisy.

Now  just like in Grails, you get a log variable injected into your MVC-members
and you can  for example… "hello world!"

Quite simple, IMHO.

HTH! cheers, weHe

Vaadin on Grails 3.x

[see my update for Vaadin 8 at the bottom!]

Over the last ten years I’ve been doing quite a lot of work with Grails and ZK plugged-in  and got great results – and I got quite used to using a component based UI toolkit in Grails. Unfortunately the ZK plugin for Grails only supports the Grails 2.x branch (with it’s latest update in Sept 2014) so that ceased to be an option for new projects.

Vaadin on the other hand also is a vibrant and powerful component toolkit for Java, so I’d fancy it as a replacement… but  so far, Ondrej Kvasnovsky’s Vaadin-Plugin was also only available for the Grails 2.x branch which is at the time being (April 2017) over 2 years  behind… so unfortunately, Vaadin wasn’t really an option for a component based UI toolkit in Grails either lately – quite a dire situation for a Grails addict.

But now Ondrej has finally finished his version of the Vaadin-Plugin for the current Grails 3.x branch. It plugs Vaadin 7.7.8 into Grails 3.2.8 (or later) – while Vaadin 8 is already supported by a later version of the same plugin right now (see note at the bottom).

The Vaadin-Website has a great Getting-Started Tutorial at which walks you step by step through the creation of a customer list and form and even comes with a set of videos – and which I recommend as a good first introduction to Vaadin with Java. I’ve created a Groovy-vied version of this tutorial using Gorm against H2-DB  in order to test the old version of the Vaadin plugin against Grails 2.x and documented the result in this blog post.

For the new Grails3- Vaadin-Plugin I’ve adapted this tutorial project – and the plugin seems to work just well – YEAH! Here is how to put this togehter:

As of now, the new plugin’s documentation / tutorial is only on the plugins issues-pages on github – you’ll need to follow the steps therein, but note:

  • you might install Grails 3.2.8 using sdkman
  • my demo project uses the package and name of ‚demo.grails3vaadin‘,
    so instaed of ‚grails create-app sample-project‘,
    you ‚grails create-app demo.grails3vaadin‘
  • you don’t need Spring, so seed your project
    using ‚gradle vaadin-quickstart‘
  • then you drop in the files of my demo-project
  • notice that in VaadinConfig.groovy I’ve changed
    the openSessionInViewFilter to use hibernate5

That should do the job!
All the best & cheers, weHe

Update:  since version 2 the plugin uses Vaadin 8
(as opposed to 7.7.8 in the earlier version used here):



Vaadin on Grails 2.x

I’ve been doing quite a lot of work with Grails and Zkoss over the last ten years and got great results.

Recently I came across Vaadin several times and got quite curious to see how Grails and Vaadin would go together. So I sat down and read Vaadin’s great Java Tutorial (highly recommended!) and used  Ondrej Kvasnovsky’s Vaadin-Plugin  to run the code in Grails after simplifying it for Grails / Groovy.

As the Plugin right now just works on Grails 2.x, I used the most recent release of the Grails 2.x branch, Grails 2.5.5 (a release of the plugin for Grails 3.x is promised).

Here’s my entire project as a ZIP archive!

Other than the pure Java version, my Grails version does in fact persist the Customer data! BootStrap.groovy checks if it runs in development mode and creates the test customers. The data source defiition uses H2-Db with a ‚create-drop‘ policy, so the DB is created anew and populated on each start of the app. Both the domain and the service classes are much smaller due to Grail’s instrumentation like e.g. for the hibernate persistence, automatic getters & setters, and all the other magic.

Have a look at the code – thanks to Grails and Groovy, it is much cleaner and leaner than the original Java version, at least IMHO.



public enum CustomerStatus {
    ImportedLead, NotContacted, Contacted, Customer, ClosedLost



public class Customer implements Comparable {

    String firstName = ""
    String lastName = ""
    Date birthDate
    CustomerStatus status = CustomerStatus.ImportedLead;
    String email = ""

    static constraints = {
        firstName blank: false, nullable: false, maxSize: 50
        lastName blank: false, nullable: false, maxSize: 50
        email blank: false, nullable: false, maxSize: 50, email: true

    static mapping = {
        table 'customer'
        version false
        firstName column: 'firstname'
        lastName column: 'lastname'
        email column: 'email'

    public String toString() {
        return firstName + " " + lastName;

    int compareTo(Object other) {




class CustomerService {

    private static TEST_DATA = [
            "Gabrielle Patel", "Brian Robinson", "Eduardo Haugen",
            "Koen Johansen", "Alejandro Macdonald", "Angel Karlsson", "Yahir Gustavsson", "Haiden Svensson",
            "Emily Stewart", "Corinne Davis", "Ryann Davis", "Yurem Jackson", "Kelly Gustavsson",
            "Eileen Walker", "Katelyn Martin", "Israel Carlsson", "Quinn Hansson", "Makena Smith",
            "Danielle Watson", "Leland Harris", "Gunner Karlsen", "Jamar Olsson", "Lara Martin",
            "Ann Andersson", "Remington Andersson", "Rene Carlsson", "Elvis Olsen", "Solomon Olsen",
            "Jaydan Jackson", "Bernard Nilsen"

     * retrieves customers and filters
     * @param filter optional, to be contained in customer.toString(), case ignored
     * @return customers matched - or all
    List<Customer> findAll(String filter=null) {
        List<Customer> rtn = Customer.findAll()
        if (filter) {
            filter = filter.toLowerCase()
            rtn = rtn.findAll {Customer cust -> cust.toString().toLowerCase().contains(filter)}

     * called by BootStrap
     * @param log
    public static void createTestCustomers(log) {
        log.trace "storing customer data:"
        listTestCustomers().each { Customer c ->
            log.trace " '${c}'"
         private static List<Customer> listTestCustomers() {
            List<Customer> rtn = []
            Random r = new Random(0);
            for (String name : TEST_DATA) {
                String[] split = name.split(" ")
                Customer c = new Customer()
                c.firstName = split[0]
                c.lastName = split[1]
       = split[0].toLowerCase() + "@" + split[1].toLowerCase() + ".com"
                c.status = CustomerStatus.values()[r.nextInt(CustomerStatus.values().length)]
                Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance()
                int daysOld = 0 - r.nextInt(365 * 15 + 365 * 60)
                cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, daysOld)
                c.birthDate = cal.getTime()
                rtn << c




import com.vaadin.annotations.Theme
import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome
import com.vaadin.ui.Button
import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout
import com.vaadin.ui.Grid
import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout
import com.vaadin.ui.TextField
import com.vaadin.ui.UI
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest
import com.vaadin.grails.Grails
import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme

class MyUI extends UI {

    private Grid grid = new Grid()
    private CustomerService customerService = Grails.get(CustomerService)
    private TextField filterText = new TextField()
    private CustomerForm form = new CustomerForm(this)

    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
        VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout()

        filterText.setInputPrompt("filter by name...")
        filterText.addTextChangeListener { evt -> grid.containerDataSource =
                    new BeanItemContainer<Customer>(Customer.class, customerService.findAll(evt.text) )

        Button clearFilterTextBtn = new Button(FontAwesome.TIMES)
        clearFilterTextBtn.description = "clear the current filter"
        clearFilterTextBtn.addClickListener { evt ->

        CssLayout filtering = new CssLayout()
        filtering.addComponents(filterText, clearFilterTextBtn)
        filtering.styleName = ValoTheme.LAYOUT_COMPONENT_GROUP

        Button addCustomerBtn = new Button("Add new customer");
        addCustomerBtn.addClickListener { evt ->
            form.customer = new Customer()

        HorizontalLayout toolbar = new HorizontalLayout(filtering, addCustomerBtn)
        toolbar.spacing = true
        grid.setColumns('firstName', 'lastName', 'email')

        HorizontalLayout main = new HorizontalLayout(grid, form)
        main.spacing = true
        layout.addComponents(toolbar, main)

        layout.margin = true
        content = layout
        grid.addSelectionListener { evt ->
            if (evt.selected.empty) {
                form.visible = false
            } else {
                Customer customer = (Customer) evt.selected.iterator().next()
                form.customer = customer
        form.visible = false

    public void updateList() {
        List<Customer> customers = customerService.findAll(filterText.value)
        grid.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<>(Customer.class, customers))


(localize birthdate to your own locale and date format in the constructor)


import com.vaadin.event.ShortcutAction.KeyCode
import com.vaadin.ui.Button
import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout
import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout
import com.vaadin.ui.NativeSelect
import com.vaadin.ui.PopupDateField
import com.vaadin.ui.TextField
import com.vaadin.grails.Grails
import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme

class CustomerForm extends FormLayout {

    private CustomerService service = Grails.get(CustomerService)
    private Customer customer
    private MyUI myUI

    private TextField firstName = new TextField("First name")
    private TextField lastName = new TextField("Last name")
    private TextField email = new TextField("Email")
    private NativeSelect status = new NativeSelect("Status")
    private PopupDateField birthdate = new PopupDateField("Birthday")
    private Button save = new Button("Save")
    private Button delete = new Button("Delete")

    public CustomerForm(MyUI myUI) {
        this.myUI = myUI
        // birthdate.locale = Locale.GERMAN
        // birthdate.dateFormat = 'dd.MM.yyyy'
        save.styleName = ValoTheme.BUTTON_PRIMARY
        save.setClickShortcut(KeyCode.ENTER)    // property assignment (=) breaks code!
        delete.styleName = ValoTheme.BUTTON_DANGER
        HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout(save, delete)
        buttons.spacing = true
        addComponents(firstName, lastName, email, status, birthdate, buttons)
        save.addClickListener { evt -> }
        delete.addClickListener { evt -> this.delete() }

    public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {
        this.customer = customer;
        BeanFieldGroup.bindFieldsUnbuffered(customer, this);
        delete.visible =>0  // Show delete button for only customers already in the database
        this.visible = true

    private void delete() {
        this.visible = false

    private void save() {
        this.visible = false


import grails.util.Environment

class BootStrap {
    CustomerService customerService	// spring dependency injection!

    def init = { servletContext ->

        if ( == 'development') {

    def destroy = {

You will also need these – they are in the archive:


Hope it helps!
cheers, weHe

— end,